Top 3 Questions for Career Success: Practical Guide

Secrets revealed: everything you need to know about what to do after college, how to succeed at work, how to get a promotion and thrive.

Welcome to the world of professional success. In this article, I will reveal the key secrets to successfully advancing your career from the college stage to the workplace.

You’ll find out everything you need to know about what to do after college, how to get a job, and the basic steps to get that coveted promotion. Ready to discover the secrets to a bright future? Then get ready, because the journey starts now!

1.1 What to do after college?

After our studies, we face an uncertain professional world full of challenges. It is time to take action and put our passions, skills and career goals into practice. There are two crucial points that will help you navigate this stage successfully and achieve your goals.

  1. Carefully assess your passions, skills, and career goals: create a clear vision of your career path.
    • Do an inventory of your passions and interests. What excites you? What topics stimulate you the most? Identify areas in which you excel and what you would like to do in the long term.
    • Set clear career goals. Where do you see yourself in two, five or 10 years? What are your short-term and long-term career aspirations?
  1. Explore all work areas: consider pursuing further education, doing a doctorate, working in business, or venturing into entrepreneurship if your interests suggest it.
    • Don’t take anything for granted when it comes to career choices. Investigate opportunities for growth in innovative fields-you’ll discover new areas of interest outside of our parents’ traditional jobs, from the world of artificial intelligence and data science to social media management and coaching.
    • Ph.D. or industry? Consider a PhD if you are interested in a university career. This route is ideal if you have an interest in detail, if you love to delve into issues, teaching and intellectual debate. On the other hand, business is a better fit if you are interested in developing soft skills, if you have a flair for practical action (bias for action) and problem solving. You fit well in the corporate setting if you want to be a mentor (not a teacher), if you value learning in the field (learning by doing), or if you want to learn how to manage various stakeholders, negotiate and mediate different perspectives.

1.2 How to find a job?

You have reflected on your career goals and passions. Now, how can you translate this awareness into concrete action to find work? Here are three practical steps:

  1. Create or update your LinkedIn profile: update your LinkedIn profile or create one ASAP if you don’t have one. LinkedIn is the place where companies, recruiters, and professionals look for talent and job opportunities. A well-maintained LinkedIn profile not only increases your visibility but also lends professional credibility. See LinkedIn as your ultimate online resume.
  2. Test opportunities with internships or temporary jobs: actively search for internship, internship or temporary job opportunities to gain hands-on experience, explore your interests and lay the groundwork for a permanent job offer.
    • Contatta aziende che offrono opportunità di stage o tirocinio nel settore che ti interessa. Attenzione: se vuoi ricevere un invito per un colloquio conoscitivo, la qualità delle tue domande di lavoro è molto più importante della quantità. Quindi personalizza il tuo curriculum per ciascun lavoro a cui fai domanda per evidenziare come le tue competenze siano in linea con i requisiti specifici richiesti.
  3. Cultivate a strong professional network: maintain and expand your network of contacts with faculty, former colleagues and industry professionals.
    • Leverage personal and professional connections to get referrals. Talk to professors, mentors, or former colleagues who could help you in your search for job opportunities. Key tip: If you connect directly with recruiters on LinkedIn, you greatly increase your chances of being invited to an interview, compared to if you just send a resume.
    • Actively participate in networking events and use LinkedIn to connect with industry professionals. Send personalized connection requests and maintain regular communication with your professional contacts.

If you got a job offer, be sure to negotiate the salary. Learn more about how to negotiate a job offer in our article “How to Negotiate: Find an Awesome Job and Home”.

2. How to succeed at work?

To achieve success at work, focus on career prospects and promote your professional development. To do so, follow these 6 practical tips:

  1. Set clear goals: work with your manager to set specific and realistic goals. Identifying clear goals in agreement with your manager will help you channel your energy into activities that will contribute to your success.
  2. Develop your soft skills: in addition to technical skills, develop soft skills (or soft skills) such as effective communication, time management, problem solving, and teamwork. These are essential in any work environment and set you apart from your colleagues.
  1. Be proactive: a positive and proactive attitude gets noticed at work. Demonstrating enthusiasm, confidence, and resilience positively affects your reputation and professional relationships.
  2. Build your professional network: cultivate positive relationships with colleagues, superiors, and industry contacts. A strong network can open doors to new career opportunities and provide valuable support and advice.
  3. Adopt a growth mindset: invest in your professional development while maintaining a humble attitude that is open to learning from others. Everyone can help us grow: our manager, but also our colleagues and our team. Keeping yourself up-to-date not only makes you more valuable to your employer, but also makes your life easier if you face new job interviews in the future.
  4. Put yourself first: make sure you maintain a healthy work-life balance and take care of your physical and mental health. When you are at your best in your personal life, you establish a virtuous cycle whereby you are also more energetic, focused and productive at work. Integrate these 10 mindfulness exercises into your days and you will transform your performance at work.

Following these tips and devoting yourself with determination to your professional development will not only improve your skills, but exponentially increase your chances of achieving your goals. Remember that professional success is the result of constant effort and continuous growth. Keep your determination, be proactive and never stop passionately pursuing your goals.

3. How to get a promotion at work?

Do you want to climb the corporate ladder and get that coveted promotion? As you can imagine, a prerequisite for doing so is to prove your worth in your current role. So give it your all every day and try to exceed expectations in the tasks you are assigned. But how to go above and beyond? There are 4 steps, perhaps less well known, that will help you get a promotion.

  1. Perform at the next level: it’s not just about doing well in your current job. Do you think that when you are promoted then you will take on more responsibility? It’s the opposite: it’s by demonstrating the ability to handle higher-level challenges that you will be considered for promotion. So start working as if you have already been promoted. This will pave the way for your promotion.
  1. Show initiative and leadership: take a leadership role in your team, even in small settings. Propose innovative ideas, lead projects, and support your colleagues when needed. Demonstrating initiative and leadership skills is essential to advance to senior and managerial positions.
  2. Contribute to company success: identify metrics of interest to your company and identify areas where you can make a difference. Remember: where there is a problem, there is also an opportunity to make an impact. Take charge and propose solutions to improve processes and increase efficiency.
  3. Communicate your goals: don’t wait for your manager to start the conversation about promotion. Although it is up to your manager to handle the promotion, the only one truly responsible for your career growth is you. Talk openly about your career goals. Being transparent about your ambitions will allow you to receive feedback and be considered for promotion opportunities. If you want to find out apply this principle to negotiate effectively, read our article “How to Negotiate in Work and Life: 5 Proven Tips.”

In short, to get that coveted promotion, you must show that you are worthwhile in your current role and beyond. Start as early as now by acting like you’ve already been promoted, taking an active role in your team and proposing innovative solutions. Show initiative and leadership skills by contributing to the company’s success and identifying areas where you can make a difference.

Don’t be afraid to communicate your career goals to your manager, showing determination and ambition.Remember, you are the ultimate owner of your professional growth. With commitment and determination, you can open doors to success and achieve your professional goals.

Toward success at work

Professional success is a road that can be traveled by anyone who embraces the challenges of the working world with commitment and determination. If you’ve read this far, you now have some extra tools to walk confidently into a rewarding professional future. If you want to delve deeper into how to succeed at work, read our article on how to go from graduate to leader with 4 crucial mindset shifts (and why 1 + 1 = 11).

Remember: every step you take is an opportunity to grow and progress. Be prepared to face challenges, overcome obstacles and reach the highest heights of your potential. The journey to success has begun: be bold, be determined and always believe in yourself. Have a safe journey!

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[…] Remember to adapt these phrases to your specific situation. During salary negotiations, communicate your enthusiasm for the job position while assertively clarifying your goals. If you are looking for tips on how to find a job, read our article “Top 3 Questions for Career Success: Practical Guide“. […]


[…] But why does this simple rule work? These techniques have the power to shift the focus from rigid positions focused on specific demands to underlying interests. In doing so, it opens the door to creative solutions that satisfy both sides. For example, in the salary negotiation mentioned above, being flexible about specific demands but clear about one’s interests, such as getting better working conditions, allows one to explore alternatives such as nonmonetary benefits, greater flexibility, or opportunities for promotion. If you’d like to learn how to apply this principle to succeed and get promoted at work, read our article “Top 3 Questions for Career Success: Practical Guide”. […]